Performance of Brachiaria decumbens vc. Basilisk, subjected to two grazing intensities in the rainy season

Contenido principal del artículo

J. J. Reyes
Y. Ibarra
A. V. Enríquez
V. Torres


A simulated grazing system was developed, using a total of 2.66 hectares, established with the variety Brachiaria decumbens vc. Basilisk; with the objective of studying their performance under dry conditions and without fertilization, subjected to two grazing intensities (GI): GI1 = 75 and GI2 = 150 LAU ha-1 day-1, during the rainy period. It was worked with 20 crossbred Siboney dairy cows between the second and third lactation (10 animals treatment-1), the animals grazed 15 hours a day. The areas under study showed an increase (P <0.05) in the Brachiaria proportion, in
7.9 and 13.2 %, for 75 and 150 LAU ha-1 day-1, respectively. The areas subjected to the highest intensity, showed higher availability of DM ha-1 paddock-1 (P <0.01) in 39.9 % (1 831.05 vs 2 562.11 kg DM ha-1 rotation-1, for 75 and 150 LAU ha-1 day-1, respectively); likewise, the grass yield was favored (P <0.05) in 23.9 % when it was submitted to 150 LAU ha-1 day-1. There were not differences in the bromatological composition of the grass. The obtained results, under these conditions, show that the Basilisk grass variety, subjected to grazing intensity of 150 LAU ha-1 day-1, maintains higher stability and likewise showed higher availability and grass yield, not affecting the bromatological quality of it.
Key words: grass, availability, quality, rest.

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Cómo citar
Reyes, J. J., Ibarra, Y., Enríquez, A. V., & Torres, V. (2019). Performance of Brachiaria decumbens vc. Basilisk, subjected to two grazing intensities in the rainy season. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 53(1). Recuperado a partir de
Ciencia Animal

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