Cut age and N balance in pigs fed with Moringa oleifera foliage meal

Contenido principal del artículo

S. Mireles
E. Moreno
Pok Samkol
Y. Caro
J. Ly


In order to study the influence of the cut age, every 60 or 120 days, of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) foliage on the N balance of pigs fed diets with 15% meal of this foliage, a change over design with six YxL pigs, castrated males was applied. These animals averaged approximately 15 kg of live weight. The moringa, with 60 or
120 d of cut, contained 11.0 or 23.3 % of crude fiber, and 23.3 or 19.8 % of crude protein, respectively. These cut ages were also evaluated by in vitro digestibility (pepsin / pancreatin and fecal). The rectal digestibility, such as the N retention, were significantly higher (P <0.05) in the individuals fed with foliage cut every 60 d (75.9 and 40.6%) with respect to the obtained at 120 d of cut (70.0 and
29.3%). The experiment showed that the moringa foliage aging determines the decrease of the digestive exploitation and the N balance in pigs fed with diets containing this foliage.
Key words: pigs, digestibility, nutritional value, protein, Moringa

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Cómo citar
Mireles, S., Moreno, E., Samkol, P., Caro, Y., & Ly, J. (2017). Cut age and N balance in pigs fed with Moringa oleifera foliage meal. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 51(2). Recuperado a partir de
Ciencia Animal

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