Feeding and management of calf, a research in the Instituto de Ciencia Animal

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Rolando Ybalmea


To achieve a productive and stable cattle raising, is necessary good results on calves rearing and their replacement, because the looses during
this process, due to the low rates of liveweight gain are not recovered. The secure of the growth and an appropriate development of the
calf depends on several factors, which are related with feeding and management. In this review some results of studies carried out on this topic by the researchers from the Instituto de Ciencia Animal from the República de Cuba, published in the Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science during 1970-2014.These studies constitutes an important source of knowledge for the cattle raising development in Cuba and in the tropic. The results of the referred researches can be applied in low inputs systems, common in the humid tropic. The use of dairy foods as colostrum, yogurt, fresh milk and milk replacers in artificial rearing systems and restricted suckling constitutes the main topics. Some results are also commented obtained in the elaboration and use of starter feeds and integral rations, grasses and forages use, and the mineral supplementation to young animals. There are also refers, topics related with the behavior and animal welfare in young calves, as tool to reduce the susceptibility to illness and to improve the productive behavior.

Key words: calf, feeding, artificial rearing, suckling, behavior and well- being

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Cómo citar
Ybalmea, R. (2016). Feeding and management of calf, a research in the Instituto de Ciencia Animal. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 49(2). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/528
Ciencia Animal