Effect of palm kernel meal on the population of total and cellulolytic bacteria and cecal fermentative indicators of broilers. Technical note

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Zoraya Rodríguez
Madeleidy Martínez
Yesenia Vives
Lázara Ayala


To determine the effect of palm kernel meal on total and cellulolytic bacteria and cecal fermentative indicators, 12 broilers were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments: control and inclusion of 5, 10 and 15 % of palm kernel meal. The concentrations of total and cellulolytic bacteria, dry matter, pH and ammonia were determined. Total bacteria increased from 10 % with respect to the 5% inclusion of palm kernel meal (26.22, 22.06 vs. 7.06 x 1011 cfu.g-1). Cellulolytic were more, with 5% and less with 15 % in relation to control (27.44, 9.11 vs. 17.78 x 106 ufc. g-1). Dry matter decreased at 15 %, pH was higher at 10 % and NH3 was reduced as the percentage of meal increased. It is concluded that the inclusion of 15 % of palm kernel meal maintains the concentration of total bacteria and reduces cellulolytic bacteria, as well as dry matter and ammonia in the cecum of broilers.

Keywords: poultry, fermentative indicators, cecal microorganisms, palm kernel

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Cómo citar
Rodríguez, Z., Martínez, M., Vives, Y., & Ayala, L. (2023). Effect of palm kernel meal on the population of total and cellulolytic bacteria and cecal fermentative indicators of broilers. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 57. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/1119
Ciencia Animal


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