Potential soil erosion assessment through the CORINE methodology in cattle districts of the Mayabeque province, Cuba

Contenido principal del artículo

Marina B. Vega
J. M. Febles
A. Tol?n
X. Lastra


A methodology included in the CORINE software (1992) was applied to evaluate soil erosion qualitatively. The application was performed in the cattle districts of Guayabal and Nazareno, located in the Mayabeque province. This methodology takes into account all the factors, included in thematic maps affecting objectively soil erosion. Each of the maps illustrates the space performance of the different erosion factors in the districts under view. Their summary, through the Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, permitted obtaining a potential erosion map, where the susceptibility to water erosion was represented per classes. The maps of the indices of erodibility and erosivity and the topographic were obtained, and, out of them, that of potential erosion. This latter was evaluated as of low category in the Guayabal cattle district, and as of moderate and high category, in the Nazareno cattle district. It was proved that, although the rain erosivity is the same in both districts, the landscape, rougher in the Nazareno district, controls the potential erosion.
Key words: potential soil erosion, cartography of factors, geographic information system

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Vega, M. B., Febles, J. M., Tol?n, A., & Lastra, X. (2011). Potential soil erosion assessment through the CORINE methodology in cattle districts of the Mayabeque province, Cuba. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 45(4). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/103
Ciencia de los pastos y otros cultivos
Biografía del autor/a

Marina B. Vega

Instituto Superior Polit?cnico ?Jos? Antonio Echeverr?a?, CUJAE, Ave. 114, No. 11901, Marianao, La Habana, Cuba

J. M. Febles

Universidad Agraria de La Habana ?Fructuoso Rodr?guez P?rez?, Autopista Nacional y Carretera de Tapaste, San Jos? de Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba

A. Tol?n

Universidad de Almer?a. Carretera Sacramento s/n. La Ca?ada de San Urbano, Almer?a, Espa?a

X. Lastra

Universidad de Almer?a. Carretera Sacramento s/n. La Ca?ada de San Urbano, Almer?a, Espa?a