Sprouting and development of Moringa oleifera Lam plantlets, established with agamic seed

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J. L. Ledea
G. Roselle
D. Benítez
J. M. Cruz
R. C. Arias


The study was developed during 2014 in the Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes (EEPF) from Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias "Jorge Dimitrov" to evaluate the percentage of sprouting and development of plantlets in two varieties of M.
oleifera (Nicaragua and Criolla ), sown with agamic seed and application of irrigation (250 m3 ha-1). The varieties were considered as treatments and were arranged in a random block design with four replications. When the establishment cut was made at 96 d,
the plant height, number of leaves per sprout, weight of stems and young leaves, number and thickness of sprouts, leaf/stem ratio on dry basis and percentage of dry matter in leaves, stems and whole plant were controlled.The Nicaragua variety showed higher
sprouting percentage (p≤0.01) with respect to the Criolla. However, the Criolla exceeded (p≤0.001) the Nicaragua variety in number of leaves per sprout. When it was cut at 96 d, in the variables that characterized the development of the plant, there were no significant
differences (p≥0.05). The Nicaragua variety showed values of height, number of sprouts, sprouts thickness and DM percentage in leaves, stem and whole plant of, 222.6cm; 2.5; 1.8; 22 %; 17.85 % and 19.15 % respectively, while the Criolla values were 217.1cm; 2.08; 23.35 %; 16.35 % and 18.55 % (in order). The leaf / stem ratio at
96 d was 0.62 and 0.63 for Nicaragua and Criolla, respectively. Under Valle del Cauto conditions, the sowing of M. oleifera with agamic seed does not affect the plant development.
Key words: trees, cuttings, forage, seed, Moringácea

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How to Cite
Ledea, J. L., Roselle, G., Benítez, D., Cruz, J. M., & Arias, R. C. (2018). Sprouting and development of Moringa oleifera Lam plantlets, established with agamic seed. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 52(1). Retrieved from https://mail.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/784
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