Evaluation of the inclusion of Moringa oleifera in the nutritional value of silage of Cenchrus purpureum cv. Cuba CT-169

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R. Rodríguez
E. Borges
D. Gutiérrez
A. Elías
S. Gómez
O. Moreira


The effect of the inclusion of Moringa oleifera in the nutritional value of silages of C. purpureus cv. Cuba CT-169 was evaluated mixed in five proportions (100.0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60 and 20:80, humid base). The chemical composition of the silage improved in terms of a higher crude protein and lower neutral detergent fibre when M. oleifera was included (P˂0.00). The analysis of the in vitro gas production showed an interaction between the two factors in the three phases of the fermentation (P˂0.05). In the initial and in the intermediate phase the highest gas production was in the treatments with Moringa oleifera respect to the silage of C. purpureus. Nevertheless, in the final phase the silage gas production of C. purpureus was higher respect to the others at 96 and 120 hours. Kinetic parameters indicated that 100 % of C. purpureus tended to show the highest fermentative potential (113.3 mLg-1 OM inc). The highest Vmax was obtained with the silage of 60 % of M. oleifera (0.739 mL.g-1 OM inc h-1), although the lowest TVmax was reached with 40 % of M. oleifera. Silage with 40 % of M. oleifera showed the highest MBS in relation to the other treatments, except in silage with 20 % of the tree plant (P˂0.05). It is concluded that the inclusion of the M. oleifera in mixed silage improved the nutritive quality of the products obtained when levels of proteins are increased and those of NDF are reduced respect to the grass used. Silage with 40 % of inclusion of M. oleifera was the best combination due to the adequate levels of CP and lower NDF and also its fermentation indicated higher Vmax, lower TVmax and higher microbial efficiency in comparison to other treatments.
Key words: mixed silage, quality, fermentation, gas production.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez, R., Borges, E., Gutiérrez, D., Elías, A., Gómez, S., & Moreira, O. (2018). Evaluation of the inclusion of Moringa oleifera in the nutritional value of silage of Cenchrus purpureum cv. Cuba CT-169. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 51(4). Retrieved from https://mail.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/768
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