Anaerobic digestion technologies for the treatment of pig wastes

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Tania Pérez
Ileana Pereda
Deny Oliva
Marcelo Zaiat


The growth of pork production in the world favors the excessive generation of manures, so that anaerobic digestion plays an important role as a technology for the treatment of these wastes. The literature shows that in the world, in the last years, the application of high load technologies for the treatment of wastes generated by the pig breeding has increased. In contrast, the anaerobic biodigesters used in Cuban pig breeding currently use high hydraulic retention time and low volumetric organic loads. This involves the use of reactors with high volumes, which lead to huge investments for the treatment of these wastes, which makes these technologies inefficient. It is necessary, from a scientific perspective, to examine the technologies that are used today in the world and to develop researches that allow the fulfillment of the established in the Cuban standards in force on
this subject.
Key words: anaerobic digesters, pig breeding wastes, high load

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How to Cite
Pérez, T., Pereda, I., Oliva, D., & Zaiat, M. (2016). Anaerobic digestion technologies for the treatment of pig wastes. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(3). Retrieved from
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