Effect of crude glycerol from Jatropha curcas L. oil on the production and quality of cattle milk
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To evaluate the effect of crude glycerol from Jatropha curcas L. oil on the production and quality of cattle milk, a total of 30 multiparous cows from Siboney de Cuba breed were used, with an average pre-parturition body condition of 3.04 and an average pre-parturition live weight of 487.87 kg. The animals had an average number of lactations of 3.17 and between seven and 21 days after the start of milking. A completely random design with two treatments and 15 repetitions was applied. Each animal was considered a repetition. The treatments were: control) 1 kg of wheat bran during milking, without glycerol; treatment 2) 1 kg of wheat bran during milking + 200 mL of glycerol during the first 15 days, dose which was increased to 400 mL during the last 45 days of the trial). The animals grazed in areas of pitilla (Sporobolus indicus L.) with permanent access to water. The glycerol under study was characterized by a density of 1.02 g/mL, methanol content of 2.6 %, ignition point above 65 0C and pH of 8.74. It showed a dark brown color and sweet taste. These indicators are in accordance with the quality specification properties of crude glycerol, established by international standards. The average milk production/cow/day was higher (P=0.0001) in the treatment with the glycerol additive (3.43 vs. 2.20 L for the control), as well as the total milk production (P=0.0159). It is concluded that crude glycerol, obtained in the transesterification process of J. curcas oil, has physicochemical and organoleptic properties that make it suitable for their use in animal feeding as an additive. Its use increased milk production in Siboney Cuba cows without affecting quality indicators. Its application under production conditions and the development of new studies in other categories and species of animals are recommended.
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